Two budgets = too much excitement

TWO budgets in one week. Too much excitement for a man of my advanced years, particularly when senior citizens take a hit in both. Baby boomers fared relatively lightly in the Australian federal budget compared with the Western Australian state budget two days later. Australia’s largest state — which only a couple of years ago…

Give it a go, says Treasurer

 AUSTRALIAN Treasurer Joe Hockey has called for Australians to “give it a go”. I thought at first that it was a follow-up call to former Treasurer Peter Costello who 10 years ago said: “One for Dad, one for Mum and one for the country.” Costello was referring to babies and indeed Australia duly responded with a…

Possums For A Princess

“A great day for all Australians,” said Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. No, he wasn’t referring to yet another Ashes cricket victory over England. Nor to his election victory nearly two years ago. Nor even to the day when his government might produce a budget surplus. He was referring to the birth of Princess Whatshername,…

Baby Boomers spending up big

My son in London sent me an article from The Telegraph headed: ‘If you’re under 30, bad luck. You’re screwed.’ Writer Alex Proud was arguing that the Baby Boomers were spending big while their kids and grandkids were languishing in poverty. Or at least struggling to get a roof over their head, particularly in London.…