How’s your handwriting?

THE FACT that exam markers in Western Australia have highlighted illegible handwriting as a problem comes as no surprise. My own handwriting, once a source of praise from my primary school teachers so long ago, has deteriorated to such an extent that I rarely put pen to paper. When I do, I have difficulty in…

Anyone for (oldies) tennis?

WE’RE thinking of signposting the path from the lower tennis courts to the clubhouse as ‘Orthopaedic Walk’. It’s the walk when the topic of conversation is the aches and pains of our aging bodies. Thanks to the wonders of medical science, there are new knees, new hips and new shoulders in abundance as we make…

How organised is life these days?

HAVE you noticed how organised life is these days? And it starts even before we’re born. In my parents’ day, you fell pregnant, invited the midwife round to the house when the time was imminent, popped out the babe, and resumed life as normal a few days later. Dad was not involved. Well, not for…

When robots rule the world

I HAVE just told my grandson – he’s aged 5 – that he should be a publican when he grows up. Now you might think this is self-interest, that I might hope to get the odd free drink when I’m visiting. But in fact, I’m making the suggestion in his own best interest. Turns out…

Mum knew best after all

THE TROUBLE with the aging process is that you don’t really start thinking about it until you are older. And by then it may be too late to do anything about it. Nobel Laureate Elizabeth H Blackburn was in town recently to talk about her research into telomeres. These are the protective tips of chromosomes…